Book An Inspection
or call (410) 886-7000
or call (410) 886-7000
Whether you’re buying, selling, or maintaining your home, Hometown Inspections is committed to delivering professional, high-quality service from your first call. Our licensed inspectors will guide you through the entire inspection process, explaining as much as you’d like to learn along the way. We follow the strict Standards of Practice for home inspectors established in Maryland and Delaware.
After the walkthrough, your inspector will review the overall condition of the home with you and your agent, highlighting any major issues that may need immediate attention and pointing out items to monitor for future maintenance. You’ll receive a detailed, easy-to-read report via Spectora, complete with photos and clear explanations. The report is available in both HTML and PDF formats for your convenience, allowing you to easily review all the findings.
Schedule your home inspection today—proudly serving Maryland’s Eastern Shore and Sussex County, Delaware.
At Hometown Inspections, we follow the Maryland and Delaware Standards of Practice to ensure a thorough and professional assessment of your home. Here’s an overview of the systems and components we inspect: